See what the production processes of original Neo Parts parts are like.


Aluminum is received and controlled according to the alloy specifications predefined on the internal drawings. After its release, the material is melted in specific ovens, remaining in liquid form for the following processes. Before being sent to the Foundry, the liquid aluminum goes through a process of degassing and elimination of impurities.


The aluminum begins to take the shape of the product. In high-pressure injection molding (HPDC) machines, liquid aluminum is injected into molds and, after solidification, the blank is obtained. The part is demolded, excess material (burrs and feed channels) is removed and it moves on to the following processes. Depending on the application, the product may undergo inspection by X-ray (to check porosity), penetrating liquid (to check surface cracks) and may even go through the blasting process, to provide a uniform visual appearance on its external surface.


When the client requires it, the blank part goes through a machining process using highly technical CNC (computer numerical control) equipment, which consists of giving the product the final measurements specified in the drawing, within the specified tolerances. After this process, the parts undergo a dimensional evaluation and, in some cases, a leak test (check for possible leaks, depending on the application).


To meet customers' needs for complete solutions, Neo Parts is experienced in supplying assembled sub-assemblies, using injected and machined aluminum parts. After machining, various components, stampings, seals, gaskets, covers and even bearings, among others, are assembled with the corresponding applicable inspections and quality controls.

05/Packaging and Shipping

After all the controls, the pieces are packed in specific packaging for each client. They are then stored to be shipped as planned. At customers, Neo Parts products are assembled into complex systems, such as engines, transmissions and steering systems, providing total quality and safety to vehicles that depend on our components.

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